Fienza Isabella Heated Towel Rail 750 x 700mm 8 Bar Urban Brass 8277570UB

On Display at our Showroom

Order In available. Pickup or dispatched within 2 - 4 business Days. Visit the store or Call 61 3 9428 0677 for any inquires.

Calculate Shipping


Designed for use in bathrooms
Heat transfer dries towels faster and more evenly keeping them fresh
8 bar ladder rails
Concealed (hard-wired) or exposed (plug-in) installation
Wiring position available at any of the 4 mounting points
Includes 1.5 metre white power cord
Surface temperature between 45°C and 50°C
Made from 304 stainless steel
230V | 115W | IP55 RATING
SAA Approved
Outer Dimensions: 750 x 700 x 122 mm





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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